Generation 4 – Sinoh

Generation IV of the Pokemon franchise is called the Sinnoh region. It was first introduced in 2006 and it is located in northern Japan and is home to a variety of unique Pokemon. This Generation excists of 107 new Pokemon, number 387 to 493. One of the most populair Pokemon in this Generation is Leafeon with an average worth of about 30 dollar per Pokemon card.

Pokedex Pokemon Name TCG Cards
460 Abomasnow 13
424 Ambipom 11
493 Arceus 34
482 Azelf 8
411 Bastiodon 8
400 Bibarel 12
399 Bidoof 17
438 Bonsly 2
437 Bronzong 25
436 Bronzor 19
406 Budew 2
418 Buizel 16
427 Buneary 13
412 Burmy 11
455 Carnivine 15
441 Chatot 15
421 Cherrim 11
420 Cherubi 12
390 Chimchar 16
433 Chingling 3
415 Combee 12
408 Cranidos 6
488 Cresselia 15
453 Croagunk 19
491 Darkrai 37
483 Dialga 44
452 Drapion 17
426 Drifblim 16
425 Drifloon 17
477 Dusknoir 16
466 Electivire 19
395 Empoleon 21
456 Finneon 6
419 Floatzel 15
478 Froslass 14
444 Gabite 13
475 Gallade 19
445 Garchomp 32
423 Gastrodon 7
443 Gible 15
487 Giratina 30
471 Glaceon 29
431 Glameow 11
472 Gliscor 15
388 Grotle 9
440 Happiny 4
485 Heatran 26
449 Hippopotas 11
450 Hippowdon 11
430 Honchkrow 21
392 Infernape 17
401 Kricketot 9
402 Kricketune 11
470 Leafeon 31
463 Lickilicky 11
428 Lopunny 14
448 Lucario 53
457 Lumineon 10
404 Luxio 20
405 Luxray 26
467 Magmortar 16
462 Magnezone 26
473 Mamoswine 8
490 Manaphy 17
458 Mantyke 3
481 Mesprit 7
439 Mime Jr. 6
429 Mismagius 18
391 Monferno 8
414 Mothim 6
446 Munchlax 5
417 Pachirisu 17
484 Palkia 38
489 Phione 9
393 Piplup 25
474 Porygon-Z 17
394 Prinplup 10
476 Probopass 15
432 Purugly 10
409 Rampardos 6
486 Regigigas 20
464 Rhyperior 14
447 Riolu 29
407 Roserade 15
479 Rotom 35
492 Shaymin 31
422 Shellos 8
410 Shieldon 6
403 Shinx 24
451 Skorupi 9
435 Skuntank 12
459 Snover 12
442 Spiritomb 19
398 Staraptor 10
397 Staravia 11
396 Starly 14
434 Stunky 9
465 Tangrowth 17
468 Togekiss 15
389 Torterra 13
454 Toxicroak 19
387 Turtwig 18
480 Uxie 7
416 Vespiquen 12
461 Weavile 18
413 Wormadam 13
469 Yanmega 17