List view

Number Title Image Have Want
HGSS01 Ho-Oh Ho-Oh
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HGSS02 Lugia Lugia
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HGSS03 Pikachu Pikachu
I have this
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HGSS04 Wobbuffet Wobbuffet
I have this
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HGSS05 Hoothoot Hoothoot
I have this
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HGSS06 Noctowl Noctowl
I have this
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HGSS07 Feraligatr Feraligatr
I have this
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HGSS08 Meganium Meganium
I have this
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HGSS09 Typhlosion Typhlosion
I have this
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HGSS10 Latias Latias
I have this
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HGSS11 Latios Latios
I have this
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HGSS12 Cleffa Cleffa
I have this
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HGSS13 Smoochum Smoochum
I have this
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HGSS14 Lapras Lapras
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HGSS15 Shuckle Shuckle
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HGSS16 Plusle Plusle
I have this
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HGSS17 Minun Minun
I have this
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HGSS18 Tropical Tidal Wave Tropical Tidal Wave
I have this
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HGSS19 Raikou Raikou
I have this
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HGSS20 Entei Entei
I have this
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HGSS21 Suicune Suicune
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HGSS22 Porygon Porygon
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HGSS23 Porygon2 Porygon2
I have this
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HGSS24 Hitmonchan Hitmonchan
I have this
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HGSS25 Hitmonlee Hitmonlee
I have this
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